The Lane's | 4-20-13 | Loft & Chapel Wedding | Waukesha, Wisconsin

April 20, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

I decided to get a little personal and share MY OWN wedding photos because today is my wedding anniversary!! 6 YEARS AGO, I walked down that isle with my dad and step dad by my side, as I became Mrs. Lane! That's so funny to say out loud still, because I always think of my wonderful mother inlaw, and it still doesn't click that "MRS. LANE" is my name! (Fun facts: The OG Mrs. Lane was my sub-teacher throughout 4-6th grade at St. Luke's! Jake was in my class. He was my first crush and kiss in 6th grade on his last day of school! Wild to think she became my mother in law and that first crush and kiss of mine became my husband!)

Jake and I met at St. Luke's school in the fourth grade! Our twins are in fourth grade this year, and I teased them saying they could find their future wife in their class like we did! He was the new kid and I just adored him. That blonde hair and big brown eyes and hockey swag, just made me blush. He was SO cute! We would pass notes to each other, and talk on the phone. I was so nervous calling because I know he had two older sisters that I was scared of! (Hey Brittany and Noelle!) I'm pretty close to my sister in laws and I'm lucky to have a great relationship with the sisters I never had! And then Jake moved away in the middle of 6th grade. I was SO sad. He just recently became "my boyfriend" and now he was moving to Delafield! I didnt' think I would never see him again! 

Years and years later, at a very difficult time in my life, I came across Jake Lane on MYSPACE the summer before my senior year of high school. We reconnected and have been together SINCE. Shortly after making things official, we started dating and spent every single moment together. He was my date for homecoming my senior year. I went to the KM homecoming as well. He came to my high schools senior ball, too. We even did my schools senior pictures at his house because it was huge and fit our whole crew of seniors and I'm pretty sure it was on the way to the dance venue. And then surprise, on my 18th birthday weekend, one month before high school graduation, we conceived
our twins! I didn't find out I was pregnant until the summer. And oh boy, that was a rough time in our lives. Fresh out of high school, on to college, but pregnant with TWINS. But we got through it all, and we are so blessed and in love with our handsome crew of boys!!! 

Fast forward 6 years, we made our love and life official to each other on April 20, 2013! At Christmas, before the wedding, Jake proposed again. And we decided it was a good idea, we just had LEVI and I remember my dad saying, "You can't keep popping out kids, you need to get married and settle down" HAHAHAHAH typical dad thing to say. So, at 22 years old, we planned a wedding in 4 months and got married on the only Saturday left in April. We wanted a spring wedding. I love flowers, greenery, and spring so I thought it was a perfect time. I just finished school and became a Phlebotomist and was ready to become a wife. 


I love you!

"Sail away with me honey
I put my heart in your hands
Sail away with me honey now, now, now
Sail away with me
What will be will be
I want to hold you now, now, now"

We shared our first dance to David Gray's sail away and all I would think about was sailing away to the Bahamas in the morning to our Bahama / Florida Honeymoon! We had a perfect spring wedding that April 20th of 2013..... 


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